10 Omega-3 Fatty Acids Deficiency Symptoms You Should Know
When talking about fat, there is a type that you definitely add to your regular diet – omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids, also called n-3 fatty acids, are known to polyunsaturated fatty acids which are very important for the whole health. Basically, there are 3...
Negative Ion Blanket (Waterfall Blanket)
Negative Ion Blanket (Waterfall Blanket) Plummeting waterfall, beautiful, spectacular and breathtaking, also a wonderful gift to mankind – The negative ionNegative ions = Vitamins of the airThe concentration of negative ions in the air = The freshness of the airYour...
Omega 3’s From Plants May Be Best
Many people know that they need omega-3 fatty acids to prevent heart attacks, and that they can get lots of omega-3 fatty acids from fish. But most people do not know that the omega-3 fatty acids in seeds such as flax and whole grains may be even more important in...
Use And Consume Oil With Care
Oil is necessary to maintain health and beauty but too much of it can lead to the destruction of the body. There are a wide variety of oils available but do they contain the same properties? Most of the oils used for cooking are vegetable-based. Fish oil is another...
The Importance of Measuring Your Omega 3
Our ancestors' diets contained equal amounts of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids. They naturally consumed higher levels of Omega-3's in leafy green vegetables and seafood. But over time, the Omega-6 in their diets increased, causing the balance between Omega-3 and...
EPA And DHA Explained
When you hear anything about fish oil, the acronyms EPA and DHA always come up. But what do these terms actually mean? EPA and DHA are short for eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid which are fatty acids found in omega-3 oils. They can be considered the...
Essential Fatty Acids The First Line of Defense
A cell's first line of defense against disease is the cell membrane, the security wall that surrounds the cell and carries out many important functions. Healthy membranes, built from appropriate materials, protect cells from harmful invaders - including viruses....
Signs & Symptoms of Omega-3 Deficiency
You're likely aware of the important role Omega-3 fatty acids play in promoting brain, eye and heart health, but did you know - despite increased popularity - most people still aren't consuming enough Omega- 3? Since Omega-3 can't be produced by our bodies, it needs...
Some Truths About Processed Fats and Oils
A lot of misperception today is that to be healthy we must eat a low-cholesterol, low-fat or nonfat diet. But the truth is, we need fats and oils, but they must be the right kinds of fats and oils, not the processed fats and oils so commonly found in our diets today....
How Superfoods Help Us
Superfoods are packed with nutrition. These foods are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and proteins. Superfoods come mainly from plant sources and are considered as the panacea of healthy eating. Though not a biological classification,...